2023-03-02 Pooling RNA Using Zymo Clean and Concentrate Kit for ENCORE Project

Pooling RNA Using Zymo Clean and Concentrate Kit for ENCORE Project, March 2, 2023

For the purpose of creating reference transcriptomes, I made 3 pools of RNA for 3 species, Diploria labyrinthiformis, Montastraea cavernosa, and Madracis decactis. I am not making a pool for Porites astreoides because we have not been able to extract high quality RNA from that species for the samples from this project. The purpose of the pools is to capture genetic diversity and treatment diversity in our reference transcriptome, so the four samples chosen per pool are all from different genotypes and were all exposed to different temperatures (16, 22, 29, and 36 ºC). We will then send these three pools to Azenta for RNA sequencing. We used the Zymo RNA Clean and Concentrate Kit on the pools to concentrate the pooled RNA to the recommended concentration required by Azenta, >2 µg @ >50 ng/µL.


colony_id Temp.Cat Extraction.Date RNA_Qubit_AVG (ng/µL)
Dlab-A4 16 20221005 13.5
Dlab-B5 22 20230113 11.6
Dlab-D1 29 20221003 12.3
Dlab-C7 36 20221005 10.7

colony_id Temp.Cat Extraction.Date RNA_Qubit_AVG (ng/µL)
Mdec-F4 16 20230118 22.1
Mdec-B5 22 20221017 14.1
Mdec-E1 29 20221005 22
Mdec-A7 36 20221003 18.3

colony_id Temp.Cat Extraction.Date RNA_Qubit_AVG (ng/µL)
Mcav-B4 16 20230118 17.1
Mcav-D5 22 20221017 0 (but good bands on gel)
Mcav-E1 29 20230113 27.3
Mcav-A7 36 20230216 23.5


For each species, take 40 µL per sample (4 samples total) and transfer into a new tube labelled for that species. Mix together, final volume in each tube will be 160 µL. This is pooling 12 tubes into 3 species-specific tubes, and these three tubes will be all you work with for the clean and concentrate kit.

Then, follow the protocol for the Zymo Clean and Concentrate kit, eluting in 25 µL of DNAse/RNAse free water.

  1. Since each sample is 160 uL, add 320 uL of RNA binding buffer.
  2. Add an equal volume (480 uL) of 100% ethanol and mix.
  3. Transfer the sample to the Zymo-Spin™ IC Column in a Collection Tube and centrifuge. Discard the flow-through.
  4. Add 400 µl RNA Prep Buffer to the column and centrifuge. Discard the flow-through.
  5. Add 700 µl RNA Wash Buffer to the column and centrifuge. Discard the flow-through.
  6. Add 400 µl RNA Wash Buffer to the column and centrifuge for 1 minute ensure complete removal of the wash buffer. Carefully, transfer the column into a RNase-free tube (not provided).
  7. Add 25 µl DNase/RNase-Free Water directly to the column matrix and centrifuge.

Qubit Results

  • Used Broad range dsDNA and RNA Qubit Protocol
  • All samples read twice, standard only read once

RNA Standards: 416.13 (S1) & 9020.64 (S2)

colony_id Species RNA_QBIT_1 RNA_QBIT_2 AVG (ng/uL) Volume (uL), after Qubit Final Amount RNA (ng)
Dlab Pool Diploria labyrinthiformis 45.6 45.2 45.4 24 1089.6
Mcav Pool Montastraea cavernosa 76.0 75.6 75.8 24 1819.2
Mdec Pool Madracis decactis 80.4 78.4 79.4 24 1905.6

So all three pools are at least double the minimum amount of 500 ng, but a little lower (DLAB almost 1/2) than the recommended amount of 2000 ng. MDEC and MCAV are both well above the recommened concentration of 50 ng/uL and DLAB is very close, so I believe all pools are ready for sequencing.

Information about estimated concentrations and % loss of RNA

Based on the amount of RNA entering each pool from the original Qubit values, I estimated the following expected amount of RNA after concentrating and calculated a % recovery:

Pool Estimated total RNA of Pool (ng) Est. Conc. of Pool (ng/uL) Actual Qubit Conc. Actual ng RNA % efficiency
DLAB 1924 76.96 45.4 1135 58.99%
MDEC 3060 122.4 75.8 1895 61.93%
MCAV 2716 108.64 79.4 1985 73.09%

I calculated “Estimated total RNA of Pool (ng)” by summing the ng amount of RNA from each tube that was added into the pool (same RNA concentration * 40 uL). Then, to calculate “Est. Conc. of Pool (ng/uL)”, I divided that number by 25 uL , the amount that I eluted the pools into. Finally, I calculated % efficiency by dividing Estimated total RNA of Pool (ng) by the Actual ng RNA.

Written on March 2, 2023