2023-02-16 ENCORE RNA and DNA Extractions

RNA and DNA Extractions for ENCORE Project, February 16, 2023

Extraction of 12 samples from ENCORE Project. These samples were collected in Bermuda in August 2022 for the ENCORE TPC project. There are 160 samples total from the following 3 species: Diploria labyrinthiformis (DLAB), Montastraea cavernosa (MCAV), and Madracis decactis (MDEC) from the following temperatures 16, 22, 26, 29, 33, 36, and 40 ºC


Continuing on with the rest of the ENCORE extractions.

2023-02-16-tubes.JPG 2023-02-16-caps.JPG


  • Followed protocol exactly. Took 300 uL from the sample tubes for all species before proceeding with the extraction as written.
  • Concentrations were generally pretty low for the RNA today. The lab AC was not on and it got up to 80ºC in the lab and I think this negatively affected RNA quality. Some of these will need to be redone.

Qubit Results

  • Used Broad range dsDNA and RNA Qubit Protocol
  • All samples read twice, standard only read once

DNA Standards: 167.18 (S1) & 16640.38 (S2)

colony_id Species Temp.Cat DNA_QBIT_1 DNA_QBIT_2 DNA_QBIT_AVG
Dlab-B1 Diploria labyrinthiformis 29 nd nd 0
Dlab-C2 Diploria labyrinthiformis 40 10.4 10.5 10.45
Dlab-E7 Diploria labyrinthiformis 36 16.2 16.4 16.3
Dlab-F3 Diploria labyrinthiformis 33 2 2 2
Mcav-A3 Montastraea cavernosa 33 7.2 7.26 7.23
Mcav-A7 Montastraea cavernosa 36 51 51.4 51.2
Mcav-C2 Montastraea cavernosa 40 39.6 39.8 39.7
Mcav-D4 Montastraea cavernosa 16 5.64 5.68 5.66
Mdec-C2 Madracis decactis 40 18.5 18.5 18.5
Mdec-D7 Madracis decactis 36 52 52 52
Mdec-F7 Madracis decactis 36 23.2 23 23.1
Fire Coral S10 Millepora sp. NA 10.7 10.7 10.7

RNA Standards: 385.96 (S1) & 8014.30 (S2)

colony_id Species Temp.Cat RNA_QBIT_1 RNA_QBIT_2 RNA_QBIT_AVG
Dlab-B1 Diploria labyrinthiformis 29 12 11.8 11.9
Dlab-C2 Diploria labyrinthiformis 40 17.2 17.4 17.3
Dlab-E7 Diploria labyrinthiformis 36 17.8 17.8 17.8
Dlab-F3 Diploria labyrinthiformis 33 nd nd 0
Mcav-A3 Montastraea cavernosa 33 17 17.4 17.2
Mcav-A7 Montastraea cavernosa 36 23.2 23.8 23.5
Mcav-C2 Montastraea cavernosa 40 14.8 15 14.9
Mcav-D4 Montastraea cavernosa 16 16.6 17.2 16.9
Mdec-C2 Madracis decactis 40 33.2 32.8 33
Mdec-D7 Madracis decactis 36 37.8 37.4 37.6
Mdec-F7 Madracis decactis 36 10.6 0 5.3
Fire Coral S10 Millepora sp. NA nd nd 0

DNA and RNA Quality Check: Gel, using Kristina’s gel protocol at the bottom of this page.


Next steps

Will continue on with the rest of the extractions for these 3 species at these temps! Still holding off on the Porites astreoides extractions until we can find a suitable protocol.

40 ºC samples seemed to work and don’t look any worst on the gel so I will continue to extract these as well and randomly add them back into the extraction order.

Concentrations were generally pretty low for the RNA today. The lab AC was not on and it got up to 80ºC in the lab and I think this negatively affected RNA quality. Some of these will need to be redone.

The fire coral sample did not work, this is a sample from this series of extraction and we wanted to test RNA extraction for transcriptome for genome annotation. However, the sample was kept in DNA/RNA shield in the fridge and there was very little input material in the tube.

Written on February 16, 2023